stephen morris

Stephen Morris, PT, PhD, FACSM

Dr. Morris is currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Physical Therapy at Wingate University, Wingate, NC.  Prior to coming to Wingate, he served as Director of Rehabilitation Services at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for 2 yrs. (2011-2013) and as a staff physical therapist and supervisor of clinical research in the Dept. of Rehabilitation Services at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (2006-2011).  While at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center he developed an interest in the use of outcome measures in the oncology setting, the rehabilitation of stem cell transplant recipients and pulmonary rehabilitation which continues at Wingate University. He earned a PhD (1984) in exercise physiology from UT Austin and completed an NIH funded postdoctoral research fellowship in muscle biochemistry at UC, Irvine.  He has taught in the PT programs at Texas Woman’s University and Texas Tech Health Sciences Center.  Since earning his PT degree he has published 31 journal articles, contributed to two book chapters on oncology, and made both educational (7) and research presentations (5) at Combined Sections Meeting.  He has presented his research at geriatric, sports medicine, clinical oncology and regional physical therapy meetings.  He is past Treasure of the Oncology section and currently serves as Chairman of the Oncology Section’s research committee.  Additionally he is on the editorial board of the Section’s journal and teaches continuing education classes dealing with exercise for the cancer survivor for the Section. 